Easier said than done, right? Wrong. Once you get into the right frame of mind, you’ll know that purchasing a Patek Philippe watch is one of the smartest investments you’ll make. While diamonds are a girl’s best friends, an elegant watch can take a man’s image to a whole other level… in the nick of time.

But what makes a watch “the perfect watch”? Glad you asked. Some of the traits of a premium watch include accuracy, aesthetic appeal, reliability, quality, comfort — basically, the overall look and feel of it. These are just some qualities off the top of my head, but if you were to ask a real connoisseur what he looks for in a watch, he might also throw in the materials used, the manufacturing, and the mechanics. Savvy consumers understand that a watch is more than just a timekeeping device.

The legacy

A watch is more than just a timepiece the same way a car is more than just a method of transportation. But while a car depreciates once you drive it off the lot, there is a watch that actually increases in value, especially at auctions: Patek Philippe. As well, it’s the perfect gift to pass on to your son and grandson, making it a great way to keep up a family tradition.

The look

A watch serves the same purpose as a pair of shoes, and has the capability of making or breaking your entire look. Imagine seeing a man proudly wearing a designer suit, fine dress shoes… and a sporty digital watch. Now take that same man and strap a luxury watch onto his wrist, and he’s instantly likened to class, power and sophistication. A watch has the same influence — if not more — as other “power” accessories like a classy money clip, a sleek wallet, a rich-looking tie, an elegant pen, and stylish leather shoes.

Sample for the text from: http://www.askmen.com/fashion/trends_60/87_fashion_men.html


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